Thursday, January 17, 2013


Trying to pick this blog up again. Just have to keep trying, hoping that this time it will stick. I MUST BLOG or so I have heard. To be relevant, to be hip and with it, to make sure people know who I am dammit! I must blog. But then again, that's just what I've heard.

Working in the library world, now a days you ain't nobody till yer blogging, tweeting, pinteresting, in short over-socializing. So, in the spirit of a true overachiever (not that I am one, but then I did say "in the spirit of") I will do all of the above....except maybe Pinterest...Pinterest is dumb. But you didn't hear that from me. Don't be surprised if I do succumb to peer pressure and end up pinteresting. I am not usually a follower...or a leader really...more like roaming around looking at butterflies and shiny...but in the interst of making myself look sparkly and cool on a resume, I must do what must be done.
So, Pinterest, be ready. I may be coming. Maybe.

Erhm, so yeah. Back yet again to share my knowledge and corny humor with whoever drops by. Lets hope it sticks this time.

UPDATE: It totally didn't.

- Posted using BlogPress from my frog pad
Location:My living room

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